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Light Grid 0.2.0 is out!
I’m happy to announce that Light Grid made it to the second official release: 0.2.0.
For those of you to whom this name sounds totally unfamiliar – check out my previous post about initial release of Light Grid. Also make sure to take a look at its home site.
So what’s new? Quite a lot, actually. I’ve written a ServerDataProvider
, which allows you to get your model from a remote server. Also, server-side operations such as sorting, filtering and paging are supported. Finally, there is an initial support for saving the modified data back to the server, but the way it’s done may change in one of the next releases.
The grid should now be more robust – I added few tests here and there (current build status can be always checked at
What’s also important, I updated the docs. They are still not perfect, but at least they are there. As before, I recommend taking a look at samples to get started.
Again, please let me know if you use it and (more importantly) if you spot any errors. I’ve got a great response to the last post in social media. Thank you for your support!