New release of Light Grid

Light Grid 0.3.0 is hot off the press! This version, similarily to the previous one, comes with a bunch of breaking changes, but we’re getting very close to the stable version. My backlog has several new features and no more changing of major parts.

The most important new features:

  1. The lg-grid directive can be used only as an attribute. However, is does not have to be places on a table tag – Light Grid can be now built using arbitrary markup.
  2. The lg-column, lg-column-templates and lg-header-view directives are removed. Instead, lg-row is introduced. This looks like quite a big change, but it should be pretty easy to update the existing code: place the lg-row on an element that needs to be repeated for each data item (like a tr tag) and just use plain HTML tags inside. See the demos and docs for more details. This makes it really easy to create complex grids (with colspans and rowspans).
  3. Row scope’s properties such as rowData, rowController, view and viewModel got grouped into the row object with data, controller, view and viewModel fields.

There are several more changes – see the changelog for more info.

As always, I encourage you to check out the docs, samples and source code. All feedback will be much appreciated.

Have fun using the Light Grid!


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Michał Dudak